BCI NET Dec 94.iso
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Assembly Source File
654 lines
* StarFields for MSHOW
* Symbol Definitions
MINBOX equ -450
MAXBOX equ 450
NSTARS equ 70 ; Must be even
MAGIC equ (256<<8)
ZPULL equ 780
* Welcome to the actual stars code.
***** extern WORD far scrwide;
***** extern WORD far scrhigh;
***** extern WORD far delta_x;
***** extern WORD far delta_y;
***** extern WORD far delta_z;
***** extern WORD far spin_x;
***** extern WORD far spin_y;
***** extern WORD far spin_z;
***** extern WORD far CenterX;
***** extern WORD far CenterY;
***** extern PLANEPTR far Plane1ptr;
***** extern PLANEPTR far Plane2ptr;
***** UWORD StarColors[]={0,0x558,0x88B,0xFFF};
xdef @StarOffsets
xdef _ComputeStarField
xdef _DisplayStarField
***** VOID __regargs StarOffsets(ULONG mod_d0);
***** VOID ComputeStarField();
***** VOID DisplayStarField();
xdef _scrwide
xdef _scrhigh
xdef _delta_x
xdef _delta_y
xdef _delta_z
xdef _spin_x
xdef _spin_y
xdef _spin_z
xdef _CenterX
xdef _CenterY
xdef _Plane1ptr
xdef _Plane2ptr
@StarOffsets ; Computes 480 screen offsets
move.l d2,-(sp)
move.l #199,d2
lea YOffTable,a0
moveq.l #0,d1
1$ move.l d1,(a0)+
add.l d0,d1
dbra d2,1$
move.l (sp)+,d2
movem.l d2-d7/a2-a6,-(SP)
bsr AddSpins
bsr GenMat
bsr Transform
bsr.s MoveStars
movem.l (SP)+,d2-d7/a2-a6
movem.l d2-d7/a2-a6,-(SP)
bsr.s EraseStars
; bsr DrawStars ;Fall thru to this routine
movem.l (SP)+,d2-d7/a2-a6
* Move the stars
MoveStars lea XCoords(pc),a0
lea YCoords(pc),a1
lea ZCoords(pc),a2
move.w _delta_x(pc),d0
move.w _delta_y(pc),d1
move.w _delta_z(pc),d2
move.w #BOXRANGE,d4
moveq #NSTARS-1,d7
0$ move.w (a0),d3
add.w d0,d3 ; Add move delta
cmp.w #MAXBOX,d3 ; Too big?
bgt.s 1$
cmp.w #MINBOX,d3 ; Too small?
bge.s 2$
add.w d4,d3 ; Wrap up
bra.s 2$
1$ sub.w d4,d3 ; Wrap down
2$ move.w d3,(a0)+
move.w (a1),d3
add.w d1,d3
cmp.w #MAXBOX,d3
bgt.s 11$
cmp.w #MINBOX,d3
bge.s 22$
add.w d4,d3
bra.s 22$
11$ sub.w d4,d3
22$ move.w d3,(a1)+
move.w (a2),d3
add.w d2,d3
cmp.w #MAXBOX,d3
bgt.s 111$
cmp.w #MINBOX,d3
bge.s 222$
add.w d4,d3
bra.s 222$
111$ sub.w d4,d3
222$ move.w d3,(a2)+
dbra d7,0$
* Star rendering routines.
* This too has undergone a re-write since 1.0. A BSET instruction is now
* used to plot the star directly into the bitmap. The Y-offset into the
* bitmap is now fetched from a pre-computed table to save on a multiply.
* A change to the in-memory representation of the projected points saved
* a few cycles in memory fetches. Further, rendering is now done with bytes
* rather than words (since BSETs to memory are only byte-wide); any loss on
* higher-order processors is made up for by the faster clock.
* EraseStars underwent a kooky change since it appears to be the blocking
* factor for clean rendering on a 68000. Getting even faster would mean
* major towering, which falls under the law of diminshing returns.
moveq #0,d0
move.l _Plane1ptr(pc),a1
move.l _Plane2ptr(pc),a2
lea PlaneOffsets,a4
moveq #(NSTARS>>1)-1,d7 ; As the programmer :-), I
; guarantee the count will be even
1$ move.l (a4)+,d1 ; Grab two offsets
move.b d0,0(a1,d1.l) ; Blast entire byte
move.b d0,0(a2,d1.l)
move.l (a4)+,d1
move.b d0,0(a1,d1.l) ; Blast entire byte
move.b d0,0(a2,d1.l)
dbra d7,1$
DrawStars lea TransformBuff,a0 ; Coords in YXZ order
lea YOffTable,a1
lea PlaneOffsets,a3
move.l _Plane1ptr(pc),a2
move.l _Plane2ptr(pc),a4
moveq #NSTARS-1,d7
move.w _scrhigh(pc),d4
move.w _scrwide(pc),d5
NextDraw move.w (a0)+,d1 ; Load and check Y value
bmi.s clipped_y
cmp.w d4,d1
bge.s clipped_y
move.w (a0)+,d0 ; Load and check X value
bmi.s clipped_x
cmp.w d5,d0
bge.s clipped_x
moveq.l #0,d2
move.w d0,d2
not.w d0 ; Invert X for BSET bit positon
lsr.l #3,d2 ; Compute byte offset in line
lsl.l #2,d1
move.l 0(a1,d1.w),d1 ; Get Y offset from table
add.l d1,d2
move.l d2,(a3)+ ; Store computed offset
move.w (a0)+,d6 ; Load Z
cmp.w #-176,d6 ; Z closer than this?
ble.s 1$ ; No, draw just plane 1 (dim)
bset d0,0(a4,d2.l) ; This plane definitely gets written
cmp.w #130,d6 ; Very close?
ble.s 2$ ; No
1$ bset d0,0(a2,d2.l) ; Yes; draw brightest value
dbra d7,NextDraw
clipped_y addq.w #2,a0 ; Skip unread x
clipped_x addq.w #2,a0 ; Skip unread z
clr.l (a3)+
dbra d7,NextDraw
* This is the biggie.
* This has been completely re-written, and where the biggest speed gains
* were realized. It used to be three discrete rotations. Now it's a full
* matrix operation.
* The source XYZ values are loaded into D0-D2. The resulting XYZ values are
* left in D3-D5. The matrix is stored in column-major ZYX order. This is
* done to facilitate early rejection of Z values behind the camera (though
* I don't yet make use of that).
* The matrix elements are in 2.14 bit fixed-point notation. The numbers in
* the coordinate array are straight integers.
Transform lea XCoords(pc),a0
lea YCoords(pc),a1
lea ZCoords(pc),a2
lea TransformBuff,a4
moveq #NSTARS-1,d7
move.l #MAGIC,d6
move.w #ZPULL,a5 ; Being used for storage
;------ Load vertex and matrix.
NextStar move.w (a0)+,d0 ; Fetch X, Y, and Z
move.w (a1)+,d1
move.w (a2)+,d2
lea Matrix(pc),a3 ; Fetch matrix
;------ Multiply vertex through matrix.
;------ First column is Z.
move.w d0,d5 ; X
muls (a3)+,d5 ; * *mat++
move.w d1,d4 ; Y
muls (a3)+,d4 ; * *mat++
add.l d4,d5 ; Accumulate to D5
move.w d2,d4 ; Z
muls (a3)+,d4 ; * *mat++
add.l d4,d5 ; Accumulate to D5
swap d5
rol.l #2,d5 ; D5 >>= 14;
;------ Second column is Y.
move.w d0,d4 ; X
muls (a3)+,d4 ; * *mat++
move.w d1,d3 ; Y
muls (a3)+,d3 ; * *mat++
add.l d3,d4 ; Accumulate to D4
move.w d2,d3 ; Z
muls (a3)+,d3 ; * *mat++
add.l d3,d4 ; Accumulate to D4
swap d4
rol.l #2,d4 ; D4 >>= 14;
;------ Third column is X.
move.w d0,d3 ; X
muls (a3)+,d3 ; * *mat++
move.w d1,d0 ; Y (original X no longer needed)
muls (a3)+,d0 ; * *mat++
add.l d0,d3 ; Accumulate to D3
move.w d2,d0 ; Z
muls (a3)+,d0 ; * *mat++
add.l d0,d3 ; Accumulate to D3
swap d3
rol.l #2,d3 ; D3 >>= 14;
* Here is performed the perspective projection.
* Normally, this is accomplished by dividing both X and Y by the Z
* coordinate. However, in this case, only one division is performed to
* calculate a fixed-point scaling factor, which is then multiplied by the
* X and Y values. This is done because multiplication is cheaper than
* division. The perspective scalar is:
* -------------
* - (Z - ZPULL)
* The subtraction from Z is to "pull" the stars away from the camera (which
* is at Z == 0) so that they'll be visible. The negation effectively flips
* the Z axis, which makes the calculation easier (trust me). MAGIC and
* ZPULL are currently set to 256 and 780 respectively. The 256 is a number
* I pulled out of Thin Air. (So's the 780, for that matter...) Feel free
* to play with them to see what happens.
* The projected points are stored in YXZ order.
;------ Compute scalar.
move.l d6,d0 ; MAGIC
move.w a5,d1 ; ZPULL
sub.w d5,d1 ; - Z
ble.s BehindCamera
divu d1,d0 ; == 256 / (ZPULL - Z)
bvs.s BehindCamera ; Shunt wild division
;------ Multiply scalar by X and Y components.
move.w d4,d1 ; Y
muls d0,d1 ; * 256 / (ZPULL - Z)
lsr.l #8,d1 ; (Unavoidable. Ack!)
lsr.l #1,d1
add.w _CenterY(pc),d1
move.w d1,(a4)+ ; Y store
move.w d3,d1 ; X
muls d0,d1 ; * 256 / (ZPULL - Z)
lsr.l #8,d1
add.w _CenterX(pc),d1
move.w d1,(a4)+ ; X store
move.w d5,(a4)+ ; Z store (for pixel brightness)
dbra d7,NextStar
;------ Whoops! Behind the camera. Force an invisible point.
moveq #-1,d1
move.l d1,(a4)+ ; X and Y store
move.w d5,(a4)+ ; Z store
dbra d7,NextStar
* Generate a matrix.
* This routine generates a three-rotation matrix all at once, in ZYX order.
* Rotations are anti-clockwise.
GenMat move.w theta_z(pc),d0 ; Collect sines and cosines
bsr SinCos
move.w d0,d4 ; sinZ
move.w d1,d5 ; cosZ
move.w theta_y(pc),d0
bsr SinCos
move.w d0,d2 ; sinY
move.w d1,d3 ; cosY
move.w theta_x(pc),d0
bsr SinCos
lea Matrix(pc),a0 ; Point at matrix
;------ Compute first column Z.
;------ sinX * sinZ - cosX * sinY * cosZ
move.w d0,d7 ; sinX
muls d4,d7 ; * sinZ
move.w d1,d6 ; cosX
muls d2,d6 ; * sinY
swap d6
rol.l #2,d6
move.w d6,a1 ; (Save for later)
muls d5,d6 ; * cosZ
sub.l d6,d7
swap d7
rol.l #2,d7 ; D7 >>= 14
move.w d7,(a0)+ ; (Store)
;------ sinX * cosZ + cosX * sinY * sinZ
move.w d0,d6 ; sinX
muls d5,d6 ; * cosZ
move.w a1,d7 ; cosX * sinY
muls d4,d7 ; * sinZ
add.l d6,d7
swap d7
rol.l #2,d7
move.w d7,(a0)+ ; (Store)
;------ cosX * cosY
move.w d1,d7 ; cosX
muls d3,d7 ; * cosY
swap d7
rol.l #2,d7
move.w d7,(a0)+ ; (Store)
;------ Compute second column Y.
;------ cosX * sinZ + sinX * sinY * cosZ
move.w d1,d7 ; cosX
muls d4,d7 ; * sinZ
move.w d0,d6 ; sinX
muls d2,d6 ; * sinY
swap d6
rol.l #2,d6
move.w d6,a1 ; (Save for later)
muls d5,d6 ; * cosZ
add.l d6,d7
swap d7
rol.l #2,d7
move.w d7,(a0)+ ; (Store)
;------ cosX * cosZ - sinX * sinY * sinZ
move.w d1,d7 ; cosX
muls d5,d7 ; * cosZ
move.w a1,d6 ; sinX * sinY
muls d4,d6 ; * sinZ
sub.l d6,d7
swap d7
rol.l #2,d7
move.w d7,(a0)+ ; (Store)
;------ -sinX * cosY
move.w d0,d7 ; sinX
neg.w d7 ; -
muls d3,d7 ; * cosY
swap d7
rol.l #2,d7
move.w d7,(a0)+ ; (Store)
;------ Compute third column X.
;------ cosY * cosZ
move.w d3,d7 ; cosY
muls d5,d7 ; * cosZ
swap d7
rol.l #2,d7
move.w d7,(a0)+ ; (Store)
;------ -cosY * sinZ
move.w d3,d7 ; cosY
neg.w d7 ; -
muls d4,d7 ; * sinZ
swap d7
rol.l #2,d7
move.w d7,(a0)+ ; (Store)
;------ sinY
move.w d2,(a0)+ ; (Store)
;------ Phew! We're outa here.
* Sine/Cosine calculator. Nothing amazing here, just a table lookup.
* This got a lot more complicated for no good reason :-). The sine/cosine
* table ranges from 0-90°. The code selects the proper values and negates
* them based on the quadrant in which the angle lies. 2048 == 360 degrees.
* Sine table entries are represented using 14 bit fixed point fractions.
* Angle passed in D0. May now be an odd number.
* Returns sine in D0, cosine in D1.
SinCos move.w d2,-(sp)
add.w d0,d0 ; Word offset
lea SineTable(pc),a5
move.w d0,d2 ; Copy
and.w #1024-1,d0 ; Clip to 90°
move.w #1024,d1 ; d0 == ang
sub.w d0,d1 ; d1 == gna
move.w 0(a5,d0.w),d0 ; Fetch sine candidate
move.w 0(a5,d1.w),d1 ; Fetch cosine candidate
;------ Determine which is sine and which is cosine.
lsl.w #5,d2 ; Shift quadrant bits into Carry and
; Minus flags.
bpl.s 1$ ; First or third quadrant?
exg d0,d1 ; Yes, exchange values
;------ Is sine negative?
bcc.s 2$ ; Third or fourth quadrants?
neg.w d0 ; Yes, negate si(g)ne
;------ Is cosine negative? We test for this two ways, depending on
;------ the result of the previous test.
tst.w d2 ; Quadrant 3?
bpl.s 88$ ; Yes, negate cosine
bra.s 99$
2$ tst.w d2 ; Quadrant 2?
bpl.s 99$
88$ neg.w d1 ; Yes, negate cosine
99$ move.w (sp)+,d2
* Add spins to current rotation angles. Clip to 360° circle.
AddSpins move.w #2048-1,d1 ; 360° == 2048 EHG
lea theta_x(pc),a0
lea _spin_x(pc),a1
move.w (a0),d0 ; Get angle
add.w (a1)+,d0 ; Add spin
and.w d1,d0 ; Clip to 360°
move.w d0,(a0)+ ; Store it back
move.w (a0),d0
add.w (a1)+,d0
and.w d1,d0
move.w d0,(a0)+
move.w (a0),d0
add.w (a1),d0
and.w d1,d0
move.w d0,(a0)
* Data! (Yes, Captain?)
_delta_x dc.w 10 ; Star movement
_delta_y dc.w 5
_delta_z dc.w 2
theta_x dc.w 0 ; Initial/current rotation angles
theta_y dc.w 0
theta_z dc.w 0
_spin_x dc.w 4 ; Spin velocities
_spin_y dc.w 5
_spin_z dc.w 3
wrk_delta dc.w 0,0,0 ; Working areas for the parser
wrk_theta dc.w 0,0,0
wrk_spin dc.w 0,0,0
_scrwide dc.w 320
_scrhigh dc.w 200
dc.w 0 ; theta_x
dc.w 0
dc.w 0 ; theta_y
dc.w 0
dc.w 0 ; theta_z
dc.w 0
Matrix dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
_CenterX dc.w 160
_CenterY dc.w 100
_Plane1ptr dc.l 0
_Plane2ptr dc.l 0
XCoords dc.w $FF37,$FED2,$6A,$FFF7,$C8,$CD,$FFF9,$132,$FF35
dc.w $FF9A,$FF7F,$16B,$EC,$FFF7,$186,$FF5A,$FF0D,$177
dc.w $FEAF,$6F,$FF5F,$FF22,$150,$2B,$FED5,$FEE3,$90,$AA
dc.w $FEBE,$13A,$12D,$FFA4,$FF49,$FEEE,$41,$164,$FF09
dc.w $8A,$FFE3,$D2,$FEBE,$13A,$12D,$FFA4,$FF49,$FEEE,$41
dc.w $164,$FF09,$8A,$FF46,$FF85,$154,$FF19,$60,$FF5C,$9B
dc.w $FFA8,$FF18,$158,$AE,$FF2F,$FE72,$21,$8C,$FE8B,$CF
dc.w $48,$FF7A,$137,$C8,$FED4
YCoords dc.w $FF5F,$FF22,$150,$2B,$FED5,$FEE3,$90,$AA,$FEBE,$13A
dc.w $12D,$FFA4,$FF49,$FEEE,$41,$164,$FF09,$8A,$FFE3,$D2
dc.w $FF37,$FED2,$6A,$FFF7,$C8,$CD,$FFF9,$132,$FF35
dc.w $FF9A,$FF7F,$16B,$EC,$FFF7,$186,$FF5A,$FF0D,$177
dc.w $FEAF,$6F,$177,$FEAF,$6F,$FF5F,$FF22,$150,$2B,$FED5
dc.w $FEE3,$90,$164,$FF09,$8A,$FFE3,$FF52,$FF2F,$18E,$21
dc.w $FF74,$FE8B,$CF,$FFB8,$86,$FEC9,$D2,$FF22,$94,$14D
dc.w $FE9B,$F4,$C8,$12C
ZCoords dc.w $FF52,$FF2F,$FE72,$21,$8C,$175,$FF31,$FFB8,$FF7A
dc.w $137,11,$153,$FF22,$94,$14D,$FE9B,$F4,$FEEC,$9B
dc.w $FF46,$FF85,$154,$FF19,$60,$FF5C,$9B,$FFA8,$FF18
dc.w $158,$FF61,$FE8F,$F8,$FEE7,$8C,$FF85,$48,$FEAC
dc.w $FF17,$6A,$13B,$FF01,$FF3A,$FFF9,7,$BE,$12B,$FED1
dc.w $FE94,$FC,$FF91,$CD,$FFF9,$132,$FF35,$FF9A,$FF7F
dc.w $16B,$EC,$FFF7,$186,$FED2,$6A,$FFF7,$C8,$CD,$FFF9
dc.w $132,$FF35,$FF9A,$FF7F,$96,$FF06
SineTable dc.w 0,50,101,151,201,251,302,352
dc.w 402,452,503,553,603,653,704,754
dc.w 804,854,904,955,1005,1055,1105,1155
dc.w 1205,1255,1306,1356,1406,1456,1506,1556
dc.w 1606,1656,1706,1756,1806,1856,1906,1956
dc.w 2006,2055,2105,2155,2205,2255,2305,2354
dc.w 2404,2454,2503,2553,2603,2652,2702,2752
dc.w 2801,2851,2900,2949,2999,3048,3098,3147
dc.w 3196,3246,3295,3344,3393,3442,3492,3541
dc.w 3590,3639,3688,3737,3786,3835,3883,3932
dc.w 3981,4030,4078,4127,4176,4224,4273,4321
dc.w 4370,4418,4467,4515,4563,4612,4660,4708
dc.w 4756,4804,4852,4900,4948,4996,5044,5092
dc.w 5139,5187,5235,5282,5330,5377,5425,5472
dc.w 5520,5567,5614,5661,5708,5756,5803,5850
dc.w 5897,5943,5990,6037,6084,6130,6177,6223
dc.w 6270,6316,6363,6409,6455,6501,6547,6593
dc.w 6639,6685,6731,6777,6823,6868,6914,6960
dc.w 7005,7050,7096,7141,7186,7231,7276,7321
dc.w 7366,7411,7456,7501,7545,7590,7635,7679
dc.w 7723,7768,7812,7856,7900,7944,7988,8032
dc.w 8076,8119,8163,8207,8250,8293,8337,8380
dc.w 8423,8466,8509,8552,8595,8638,8680,8723
dc.w 8765,8808,8850,8892,8935,8977,9019,9061
dc.w 9102,9144,9186,9227,9269,9310,9352,9393
dc.w 9434,9475,9516,9557,9598,9638,9679,9720
dc.w 9760,9800,9841,9881,9921,9961,10001,10040
dc.w 10080,10120,10159,10198,10238,10277,10316,10355
dc.w 10394,10433,10471,10510,10549,10587,10625,10663
dc.w 10702,10740,10778,10815,10853,10891,10928,10966
dc.w 11003,11040,11077,11114,11151,11188,11224,11261
dc.w 11297,11334,11370,11406,11442,11478,11514,11550
dc.w 11585,11621,11656,11691,11727,11762,11797,11831
dc.w 11866,11901,11935,11970,12004,12038,12072,12106
dc.w 12140,12173,12207,12240,12274,12307,12340,12373
dc.w 12406,12439,12472,12504,12537,12569,12601,12633
dc.w 12665,12697,12729,12760,12792,12823,12854,12885
dc.w 12916,12947,12978,13008,13039,13069,13100,13130
dc.w 13160,13190,13219,13249,13279,13308,13337,13366
dc.w 13395,13424,13453,13482,13510,13538,13567,13595
dc.w 13623,13651,13678,13706,13733,13761,13788,13815
dc.w 13842,13869,13896,13922,13949,13975,14001,14027
dc.w 14053,14079,14104,14130,14155,14181,14206,14231
dc.w 14256,14280,14305,14329,14354,14378,14402,14426
dc.w 14449,14473,14497,14520,14543,14566,14589,14612
dc.w 14635,14657,14680,14702,14724,14746,14768,14789
dc.w 14811,14832,14854,14875,14896,14917,14937,14958
dc.w 14978,14999,15019,15039,15059,15078,15098,15118
dc.w 15137,15156,15175,15194,15213,15231,15250,15268
dc.w 15286,15304,15322,15340,15357,15375,15392,15409
dc.w 15426,15443,15460,15476,15493,15509,15525,15541
dc.w 15557,15573,15588,15604,15619,15634,15649,15664
dc.w 15679,15693,15707,15722,15736,15750,15763,15777
dc.w 15791,15804,15817,15830,15843,15856,15868,15881
dc.w 15893,15905,15917,15929,15941,15952,15964,15975
dc.w 15986,15997,16008,16018,16029,16039,16049,16059
dc.w 16069,16079,16088,16098,16107,16116,16125,16134
dc.w 16143,16151,16160,16168,16176,16184,16192,16199
dc.w 16207,16214,16221,16228,16235,16242,16248,16255
dc.w 16261,16267,16273,16279,16284,16290,16295,16300
dc.w 16305,16310,16315,16319,16324,16328,16332,16336
dc.w 16340,16343,16347,16350,16353,16356,16359,16362
dc.w 16364,16367,16369,16371,16373,16375,16376,16378
dc.w 16379,16380,16381,16382,16383,16383,16384,16384
dc.w 16384
TransformBuff ds.w NSTARS*3 ; Written in YXZ order
PlaneOffsets ds.l NSTARS
YOffTable ds.l 200